Sunday, August 25, 2019

Session 14

The party, having found the location of Lady Belmont's flame, learned that Envy would be conducting a ritual on Red Blade Roberts to make him into the new Pride. They party went to disrupt the ritual. All the guests came along to assist in the battle. Red Blade Roberts was defeated and Pride's flame recovered.

Envy showed up, and Lady Belmont gave her flame to Envy, to show she didn't need it. Envy was overcome with Admiration, and they were able to covert Envy over to the side of good, leaving only Pride left, Red Blade Roberts defeated, and the Crimson Glaze in the hands of Nyanta, who took a month training with Alex Darkheart to convert the unholy blade to good.

At the end of the month, the Party and all the guests were beset by Visions of Doom- Horrible nightmares with a Geas attached to it- forcing them to no longer be targeted by or cast magic spells. Nyanta- immune to mind affecting, and Tiffania Moonblade were able to avoid the effects.

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