Saturday, April 13, 2019

Session 6- Gozran 28-30

The Guildhall Heroes finished studying their books from the mirror dungeon, and sent Sanders to scout out the Demiplane of High Magic. They leaned there that there was a monster called the Nothic dressed up like a wizard in the plane.

Going there, they first found labrynths made of iron and stone with sections missing shaped like golems. They discovered that the Exploiter had been creating walls of iron and walls of stone then fabricating them into golem bodies.

Inside they found a freezing hallway with a dead changling, and an endless bottle spewing mist that turned into snow, which was being used to create simulacrums of changelings to assist with spellcasting with an elaborate ritual room designed to boost caster level well into the 100's. They learned that Golems don't have "unbeatable" spell resistance, just spell resistance in the 100's which is unbeatable for all intents and purposes, but not for the Exploiter. By the same token, antimagic auras simply lower caster level by a hundred or so, which is enough for most mortals to be affected, but not the exploiter.

They also found a dead titan with blood money and magic jar spells, indicating the exploiter was using a trick for free wishes, and also found a trapped Efreeti who he was forcing to grant wishes to him. The party freed the Efreeti in exchange for 3 wishes.

The nature of the plane caused spell durations not to tick down, and they discovered the Exploiter's cohort, trapped in layers of anti-magic in a permanent time stop effect, forced to craft item for eternity. The party was able to free the green hag from the time stop, and the hag escaped the plane.

They also found several trapped Encastori Inevitables who had come after the Exploiter for having too high of a caster level. Unfortunately, he was high enough to defeat them and trap them in forcecages forever.

Eventually they found the exploiter, who had been turned into a Nothic- an aberration cursed by the gods for delving too deeply into arcane secrets. He had created an artifact to emulate all his caster level exploits, but it ended up turning him into a Nothic with extended uses.

Normally nothics are shells of their former selves, but this one still had many of his buff spells still active, because the duration never counted down. The party was able to defeat him and obtain his crown

Sanders agreed to take the crown as the rest of his "share" of loot, so he could help destroy it by turning it over to the Inevitables, and have it count as a mythic trial for him. The party left, having gained much wealth.

Upon their return, Lady Belmont expressed concern about Nyanta's refusal to follow her orders as Party Leader. Lini attempted to mediate the conflict.

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