Saturday, April 20, 2019

Session 7: Gozran 30 - Desnus 12.

The party hired Lini to go find magical crafters for magical items, and she used some seed money to increase magical connections.

Ivan was approached by Gary, a homunculus, sent by the green hag they rescued from the time stop. She created Gary to be a crafter for the party.

The Revenant

While hanging out at the Burrows, the party was attacked by Cecelia Roberts, not a revenant, having been created as an undead by Zura. Cecelia found out that Nyanta was travelling with Lady Belmont, and sent one of her highwaymen to Cheliax to report this to Wrath.

Cecelia was more than a match for Nyanta, but the party together defeated her and some of her highwaymen (others fled). Nyanta reached out to Wimbert to make sure that he was okay (he was), and they questioned a captured enemy.

They learned that Red Blade Roberts performed some service for Zura, and in exchange Zura was to bring back her sister. In the process, Zura learned that a Revenant was a viable undead type, which taught them that Nyanta was still alive. Cecelia came to hunt him.

Gathering information from Zainab and Tiffania's parents, they learned that a powerful god was sealed in another dimension by an ancestor of the Greenleaf's. He did so using 7 black flames which were the key to opening it back up.

When Graham Greenleaf's wife got radiation sickness, he adventured for a long time to develop a cure. He did so, but came back too late. They tried to resurrect her, but cold not. Sandalphon and Graham sought the help of Janka Worldgazer, who informed him that his wife was trapped in the dimension with the god, and beyond his aid.

But Graham sought another seer, who informed him that because his ancestor created the seal, he could do a ritual to break it. The seer was Zura in disguise, who tricked Graham. Sandalphon and Lady Moonblade tried to disrupt the ritual, but Zura was too powerful. At the last moment, Graham regained mental control, and struck Zura, disrupting the ritual. Knowing she couldn't complete it, Zura left, but she had learned that she might open the gate with 7 black flames instead.

The ritual left Graham transforming into a monster. He gave his sword to Sandalphon, and asked him to give it to Wimbert and inform him that his father was dead, which Sandalphon did.

The Summoning Chambers

In an attempt to gain more power, the party went to the summoning Chamber, taking Clara instead of Ivan, because Ivan was busy sending flowers to Lady Moonblade's parents.

They encountered a book golem who played a card game that no one could beat him at. Together they beat him, identifying that no ONE could beat him- that the five of them (with Bianca) could. They then completed several challenges requiring teamwork. The four of them (Lady Belmont, Tiffania, Clara, and Nyanta) completed a ritual to create a companion spirit, in the form of a Silvanshee, named Binx.

The party returned to Deepreach to regroup.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Session 6- Gozran 28-30

The Guildhall Heroes finished studying their books from the mirror dungeon, and sent Sanders to scout out the Demiplane of High Magic. They leaned there that there was a monster called the Nothic dressed up like a wizard in the plane.

Going there, they first found labrynths made of iron and stone with sections missing shaped like golems. They discovered that the Exploiter had been creating walls of iron and walls of stone then fabricating them into golem bodies.

Inside they found a freezing hallway with a dead changling, and an endless bottle spewing mist that turned into snow, which was being used to create simulacrums of changelings to assist with spellcasting with an elaborate ritual room designed to boost caster level well into the 100's. They learned that Golems don't have "unbeatable" spell resistance, just spell resistance in the 100's which is unbeatable for all intents and purposes, but not for the Exploiter. By the same token, antimagic auras simply lower caster level by a hundred or so, which is enough for most mortals to be affected, but not the exploiter.

They also found a dead titan with blood money and magic jar spells, indicating the exploiter was using a trick for free wishes, and also found a trapped Efreeti who he was forcing to grant wishes to him. The party freed the Efreeti in exchange for 3 wishes.

The nature of the plane caused spell durations not to tick down, and they discovered the Exploiter's cohort, trapped in layers of anti-magic in a permanent time stop effect, forced to craft item for eternity. The party was able to free the green hag from the time stop, and the hag escaped the plane.

They also found several trapped Encastori Inevitables who had come after the Exploiter for having too high of a caster level. Unfortunately, he was high enough to defeat them and trap them in forcecages forever.

Eventually they found the exploiter, who had been turned into a Nothic- an aberration cursed by the gods for delving too deeply into arcane secrets. He had created an artifact to emulate all his caster level exploits, but it ended up turning him into a Nothic with extended uses.

Normally nothics are shells of their former selves, but this one still had many of his buff spells still active, because the duration never counted down. The party was able to defeat him and obtain his crown

Sanders agreed to take the crown as the rest of his "share" of loot, so he could help destroy it by turning it over to the Inevitables, and have it count as a mythic trial for him. The party left, having gained much wealth.

Upon their return, Lady Belmont expressed concern about Nyanta's refusal to follow her orders as Party Leader. Lini attempted to mediate the conflict.