Saturday, May 18, 2019

Session 9- Desnus 22- Sarenith 7

The party was in the Snake Dungeon, filled with followers of Ysderisus. Lady Belmont took ill, so Binx pulled her into a carry companion and released Clara to aid instead, while Ivan was at home celebrating a new relationship.

They went into the dungeon, and met Alice Gryphbane, about to be sacrificed by a Nagaji priest of Ysderisus. The party saved her, and she informed them that she knows of an antipaladin trying to
locate the Alburus Analacts- which contain the location of the Skull of Ydersius- an artifact which could bring the dead god back to life. They followed the Antipaladin who ambushed them while they were battling some Basilisks (with their eyes closed).

He warned them that his defeat would make him more powerful, but they killed him, and he became a ghost, which allowed him to bypass the Brazen Medusa guarding the vault door to the library where the book was hidden.

While the heroes battled the Medusa, Lady Moonblade was able to teleport into the room and find the book first, destroying it before the Antipaladin could get ahold of it- destroying the magic that held him in ghostly form. 

They were able to use the basilisks' blood and eggs to restore eight people who were petrified at the front of the cavern. 
Alice thanked them for their help, and joined the group as a guest. The party took 2 weeks of downtime to study the books from the libraries. 

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Session 8: Desnus 12- 22

The party explored the Genie's Gambit dungeon with Sanders, which they learned was constructed as a bet by 5 genies to see if any one of them could be freed by mortals. The Vizier (noble air genie) won when the party freed her, granting them 2 wishes (the 3rd being to free the genie), and some treasure in response.

The group was able to wish Nyanta into their bloodbrotherhood, and Ivan into their companion spirit.

Upon returning home, Zainab (now reincarnated into an elf, and back to female) sent word to Tiffania that she had a lead on Vulmazio's activity, but she never arrived to the meeting site. It seemed that she had been researching the disappearance of several people that had gone under the guard's suspicion, because of the Cave, and how often people disappear going into it.

Using a butcher shop and tannery to disguise scent, a wizard had been kidnapping people, and bleeding them to develop magical blood crystals that enhanced his sorcery ability with dark magic. He had taken Zainab as well as others. The PCs defeated him, and saw that he and his familiar disintegrated when they died- perhaps as a result of the blood crystal's influence. The battle was watched over with a scrying sensor.

Zainab had been rescued by Ivan Dogeater from her bonds, as well as with his healing, and the party talked up his bravery, so that Zainab began to fall in love with him. They learned she was also involved in research of an alternate clone spell which allowed her to clone her male body and have 2 bodies at once.

While Ivan was out dating Zainab, the PCs saw a celestial earth elemental being harassed in the town square by a sorcerer and some blackguard irregulars.

They were able to talk down the guards, and the sorcerer left. They learned that the Elemental's master, Alice Gryphbane, was captured by serpentfolk and held in a dungeon. It led the PCs to the dungeon.

At the beginning of the dungeon, the saw the sorcerer, who attacked them in an area of grasping vines from the ceiling. They were able to drive him off, but not defeat him, and the party remains at the beginning of the dungeon, ready to enter and save Alice.